вторник, 2 февраля 2010 г.

Quality of movies on ZML.

ZML.com offers us 5 different qualities.
- iPod. The resolution of this movie will be about 320х192 pixels and is formatted to watch it on iPod or iPhone. I don't think its a good idea to watch it on PC but on my iPhone it looks great. The filesize is small, so downloading of this file takes only a couple of minutes.
- PDA. The video is formatted for pocket computers like Palm
- DivX. This video has stereo sound and is ~640px wide. It looks good on most PC's and laptops and LCD TV. The quality is almost as a good as DVD, but the filesize is almost 4 times smaller. The filesize is ~700-1500MB.
- DVD. That's the original version of the movie. The quality is a litte better than DivX but the filesize is 3-4Gb. Sometimes you can choose language of the movie and subtitles.
- HD. The best quality and it looks absolutely great on Full HD LCD Tv or Plasma. The filesize of HD movie is 6-8Gb so you'd better have a fast internet connection.

ZML affiliate or making money with ZML?

The most amazing fact about ZML is that it's not only the best movie library in the net - it also gives a chance to make lots of money for any webmaster that owns a movie-related website or blog.
If you have one and need an invitation code to ZML - feel free to e-mail me zmlreviews@gmail.com